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The Lost Art of
Parenting Podcast!
Topic Issues
Single and Step-Parenting
Learn the skills you need to face the challenges of being a single parent or step-parent; including disrespect, different household values and rules, grief and loss, and new relationship roles.
Parenting Styles & Their Impact
Find out how you and your partner can work together as a team to raise and launch successful and well-adjusted children.
Surviving the Teen Years
You only have a few years left to successfully launch your teen as a respectful, responsible and independent young adult. Learn the four areas you need to control and how – while maintaining a healthy relationship.
Bedtime & Mealtime
Learn how to enjoy mealtime together as a family and bedtime routines without control battles. Help your children form healthy lifelong habits and positive childhood memories of quality time well spent.
Homework, Grades & School Motivation
Learn why the sooner you help them manage their homework the better. End the battles so they can regain their confidence and enjoy learning again.
Chores & Allowance
Learn how to teach your children to get chores done without reminders as their life skills, confidence and work ethic improves. Discover how chores and academic achievement are linked.
Setting & Enforcing Limits
Learn how to set and enforce limits with your children without yelling, arguing or just giving up. Maintain a healthy and positive relationships with compliance and shared control. Learn easy skills to help you be more effective and consistent.
Building The 5 Components of Self-Esteem
Learn about the building blocks of self-esteem and how we either encourage or discourage this in our children. Learn why early implementation is so important and how having healthy self-esteem impacts every area of our lives.
Meeting the 4 Critical Needs
Learn what the four critical needs are for all children and why they impact a child’s social-emotional development, relationships with others and academic achievement. This could be the most important parenting class you ever take.
Managing Technology
Learn how to manage screen time in you household. Learn the connection between the amount of time children spend on screens and behavior issues. Get simple ideas for unplugging your children and reconnecting them with the family for meaningful time spent together.
Reducing Sibling Rivalry
Learn what causes sibling rivalry and what makes it better or worse. Your new skills will improve their relationship and help return a sense of calm to your home.
3 Tips Every Parent Should Know
End the drama and chaos and replace it with calm consistency. Learn three skills that can transform your household by improving your effectiveness. It’s pay now or pay later…
Managing Anger
Learn how your anger and yelling impacts your child’s behavior, decision making skills and self-esteem. Participants will see immediate benefits to their new approach, both in improved relationships and reduced stress and anxiety for everyone involved.